What to Expect

What can you expect when you first visit Ackermanville?

  • expect to be warmly welcomed
  • expect to see people enjoying being together, laughing and talking
  • expect to be in a place where you can worship, where you feel comfortable and familiar
  • expect to see your neighbors
  • expect to hear the Word of God preached and taught
  • expect to feel a worshipful atmosphere
  • expect to "feel at home"

What about my children during worship?

Children are a priority at AUMC and we invite our children to join and participate with us during the worship time. Our 10:00 AM Sunday worship service is one hour in length and incorporates opportunities to engage your child. We have a Children's message during worship.  There are "BLAST BAGS" available to all children.  The materials in the bag are not only entertaining, but help children learn with stories of our faith.